Steering Committee

Mr. A. K. Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. A. K. Agarwal
Edi Model United Nations is an effort to make Edifians, the youth of today, the leaders of tomorrow. This is an opportunity for you to get a glimpse of our world we like to live in future.
The world of today stands in need of liberation- from conflicts, war and terrorism. The need of hour is to find amicable solution to the multiple problems surrounding us. This conference would undoubtedly provide a wide platform to the young diplomats to display their art of diplomacy in order to spread the serene radiance of peace throughout the world.
MDN Edify Education’s sincere efforts to empower students with myriad avenues to become global citizens are praiseworthy. We are sincerely wishing EdiMUN to find solutions to crime and injustice. The world is in dire need of deliberations, dialogue and profound thoughtful actions as we sit on stock pile of nuclear arsenal in this ever-changing climate and catastrophe. We are scions of a timeless faith in peace and tolerance, but still, we have to find out solutions and be able to agree to implement it.
MDN Edify Education cordially invites and welcomes you to be a part of Edify Model United Nations EdiMUN- 2023.
Wishing you all the best
Thank you
Mr. A. K. Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.
MDN Edify Education’s sincere efforts to empower students with myriad avenues to become global citizens are praiseworthy. We are sincerely wishing EdiMUN to find solutions to crime and injustice. The world is in dire need of deliberations, dialogue and profound thoughtful actions as we sit on stock pile of nuclear arsenal in this ever-changing climate and catastrophe. We are scions of a timeless faith in peace and tolerance, but still, we have to find out solutions and be able to agree to implement it.
MDN Edify Education cordially invites and welcomes you to be a part of Edify Model United Nations EdiMUN- 2023.
Wishing you all the best
Thank you
Mr. A. K. Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Garv Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Garv Agarwal
My Dear Delegates, Associates, Executives, and Distinguished Guests,
It’s my privilege to welcome you all to EdiMUN website. EdiMUN 2023 is MDN Edify’s maiden event.
This event is initiated to provide a magnificent platform to develop and hone global skills in every Edifian.
The website is helpful for your learning about MUN, research skills, knowledge, and many capabilities which can be extremely useful for those readers who seek quick and direct information about the EdiMUN.
Join us with One Heart, One Passion for One World, as our motto goes in Edi Model United Nations in striving to build a more just, sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful world for all.
Wishing you all the best
Thank you
Mr. Garv Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.
The website is helpful for your learning about MUN, research skills, knowledge, and many capabilities which can be extremely useful for those readers who seek quick and direct information about the EdiMUN.
Join us with One Heart, One Passion for One World, as our motto goes in Edi Model United Nations in striving to build a more just, sustainable, inclusive, and peaceful world for all.
Wishing you all the best
Thank you
Mr. Garv Agarwal
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Ms. Lakshmi S. Nair
President, EdiMUN
Principal Advisor
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Ms. Lakshmi S. Nair
According to me, the first and foremost importance for delegates participating in MUNs is to understand the global issues; issues with which all the different forms of life and the natural elements are deficit of, to live a harmonious life.
Developing empathy towards these issues, so that as a global leader, every student will be able to take the most appropriate decision that serves as the best solution in bringing peace, harmony and justice to the world.
EdiMUN, is the place for you to practice and groom yourselves to be one of the global leaders of tomorrow.
Thank you.
Ms. Lakshmi S. Nair
President, EdiMUN
Principal Advisor (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd. )
Developing empathy towards these issues, so that as a global leader, every student will be able to take the most appropriate decision that serves as the best solution in bringing peace, harmony and justice to the world.
EdiMUN, is the place for you to practice and groom yourselves to be one of the global leaders of tomorrow.
Thank you.
Ms. Lakshmi S. Nair
President, EdiMUN
Principal Advisor (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd. )

Mr. Ajay K Lall
Principal Advisor
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Ajay K Lall
Dear Viewers, We all know that United Nations Organization is the largest organization comprising 193 countries out of a total of 195 countries.
Thus it contributes substantially to world order and students around the world must therefore learn how the UNO functions. Model United Nations (MUNs) thus becomes an interesting learning experience for students as they act out what transpires in the General Assembly. By enacting the process and procedures, they not only gain an understanding but also develop various life skills.
The simulation exercise becomes a learning experience for all – staff and students, and encourages them to assume responsibility for both global and local welfare.
EdiMUN is another unique initiative of MDN Edify Education organized for Edify Schools across India. This grand event will not only empower students in decision making but also prepare them to become capable global citizens of the future. It would be apt to have every Edify School represent a country and prepare for their presentations accordingly. One can imagine the wealth of learning that would take place in such a scenario.
I am sure that the mega event EdiMUN-2023 will open doors for students to become the World Leaders of tomorrow!
Thank you.
Mr. Ajay K Lall
Principal Advisor (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.)
Thus it contributes substantially to world order and students around the world must therefore learn how the UNO functions. Model United Nations (MUNs) thus becomes an interesting learning experience for students as they act out what transpires in the General Assembly. By enacting the process and procedures, they not only gain an understanding but also develop various life skills.
The simulation exercise becomes a learning experience for all – staff and students, and encourages them to assume responsibility for both global and local welfare.
EdiMUN is another unique initiative of MDN Edify Education organized for Edify Schools across India. This grand event will not only empower students in decision making but also prepare them to become capable global citizens of the future. It would be apt to have every Edify School represent a country and prepare for their presentations accordingly. One can imagine the wealth of learning that would take place in such a scenario.
I am sure that the mega event EdiMUN-2023 will open doors for students to become the World Leaders of tomorrow!
Thank you.
Mr. Ajay K Lall
Principal Advisor (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.)

Dr. Rama K. Raya
Vice- President
MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Rama K. Raya
“We’re in a world of so much hate that we don’t even try to understand anybody else, and Model UN is a place where we all can come together.” - Hadley Biggs, Model UN Co-President .
MDN Edify Education envisions every Edifian to master the best of 21st-century skills. As the world has become a global village and no age is too young to prepare for the future, EdiMUN –, 2023 serves as an ideal stepping stone into the global arena.
The three-day event at Hyderabad is the venue where students develop leadership skills, research writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills. By participating in MUNs the knowledge of the world increases tremendously as you represent a country at the global level. Interaction with delegates of other countries and practicing diplomacy helps to become professional diplomats in real life.
The forthcoming days, until the culmination, are set to ensure young people have a seat and a say in shaping our common future.
Thank you.
Dr. Rama K. Raya
Vice- President (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.)
The three-day event at Hyderabad is the venue where students develop leadership skills, research writing, public speaking, and problem-solving skills. By participating in MUNs the knowledge of the world increases tremendously as you represent a country at the global level. Interaction with delegates of other countries and practicing diplomacy helps to become professional diplomats in real life.
The forthcoming days, until the culmination, are set to ensure young people have a seat and a say in shaping our common future.
Thank you.
Dr. Rama K. Raya
Vice- President (MDN Edify Education Pvt. Ltd.)

Ms. Vijaya Mario
Chief Advisor

Ms. Vijaya Mario
We’re proud to announce Edi Model United Nations to all our Edify Schools. This announcement has added more colours to our hat. The continuous initiation to enrich and enhance Edifians is here.
This is one place where the smart come to sharpen their ideas with one heart, one passion for our only one world.
Looking forward to seeing you all in person at EdiMUN-2023 in Hyderabad.
Thank you.
Ms. Vijaya Mario
Chief Advisor,
This is one place where the smart come to sharpen their ideas with one heart, one passion for our only one world.
Looking forward to seeing you all in person at EdiMUN-2023 in Hyderabad.
Thank you.
Ms. Vijaya Mario
Chief Advisor,

Mrs. Janet Fanaian
Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Janet Fanaian
Mrs. Janet Fanaian is a citizen of India but she hails from Iran. A truly international person, Janet is a Baha’i whose passion for world peace and the oneness of mankind through united efforts guides her life. She has researched citizenship values in her M Phil and her thirst for knowledge is insatiable. She is a senior facilitator at DRS International School and Chief Executive Officer in EdiMUN.
Thank you.
Mrs. Janet Fanaian
Chief Executive Officer, EdiMUN
Thank you.
Mrs. Janet Fanaian
Chief Executive Officer, EdiMUN